A single storey, rear extension and ground floor house remodel to accommodate a living kitchen and downstairs bathroom.

Living Kitchen Extension & Ground Floor Remodel Etwall (near Hilton) Derbyshire. DE65
Project Description
Building Cost
Project Before and Afters
Project Gallery
After two years of living here, this vibrant and inviting space remains the heart of family life. Narrow windows offer glimpses of the outdoors while filling the space with natural light. In the future, a trellis with lush foliage outside the window will enhance the view, seamlessly blending nature with the sleek, stylish design. Previously: A bulky corridor and oversized cupboard. Now: The family’s much-needed second bathroom.
We have been living in our home renovation for over a year now and we are so happy with it.
Originally we contemplated commissioning a large architectural practice, but we became aware of Extended Ideas. Stuart showed us two design concepts that consisted of 2D, 3D plans and visuals. This allowed us to reevaluate our needs and desires. A third design was provided and we were confident that this one would be best for us.
Not putting the correct amount of design emphasis into your project may appear that you are saving money, but this is short term and any initial errors or omissions will be there to remind you in years to come. You will be living with design faults that should have been sorted before any construction.
Stuart’s process made us discover how to use space more efficiently. This revelation meant we could not justify extending upstairs, thus saving us around £30,000.
Stuart worked alongside our local council planning department, applied for pre-application advice, produced planning drawings and handled the whole planning process. The process went very smoothly and planning was granted without hiccups.
We love living in our new large, sunlit, open-plan kitchen. It enables us to sit and look out onto our garden. The rear extension gives lots of sunlight and privacy, it doesn’t overshadow our neighbours. It all works perfectly and is everything we have asked for.
Thank you, Stuart